Friday, October 28, 2011

Lost Appeal

Someone wise said
Happiness is
When you don't
Want to be anyplace else
Than where you are
Right now

I aimed to comply
I aimed to be  happy
but being lost
Is what it was supposed to be


When the thoughts are fleeting
And there are many conversations in your head
When the world is magical
But boring when left to its own musings
When the dust on the street
Could be sparkle
When your adventures
Could entertain
The little dwarfs skipping behind you..

Being lost
You might have scared happiness away
But how would I find great things, without..
Being lost
A million silent jokes
A million silent smiles
Some life-play
And few method shots

My dear lost life
Don't let me ever figure you out
The world is too boring
When left to its own musings..

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